Why does jesus matter? spc Small group lenten study

The Small Group Team is launching a Lenten Study

Beginning the week of March 2nd!  Our Lenten study will be based around the RightNow Media series “Why Does Jesus Matter?” with Pastor JD Greear. 

This Series and our discussions will look at: Who was this man, Jesus?  Why does he matter?  We will follow him through his journey on Earth to his ultimate triumph on Easter Sunday. We will examine the life-changing effect Jesus had - and continues to have – on the world and in our lives. Finally, we will consider: What does it mean to Follow Jesus today?

Sign-ups are available on the new Church website as well as in the Café! We are also offering a ZOOM option for those who prefer to meet remotely!

Please join us during this Lenten season as we consider this basic question of our faith and we prepare our hearts and minds for the Holiest of weeks.

Days/Times for sign-ups online: 

  1. Sunday – Following Traditional Service - Church, 

  2. Sunday at 7pm – Home of Roger and Jan Neefe (204 Knoll Wind Drive; Loveland, OH 45140), 

  3. Monday at 7pm – Church

  4. Tuesday at 7pm – ZOOM

  5. Thursday at 2pm – Church


1st Annual sycamore smash!