SPC Men’s Retreat (BIll Kern Experience)

Envision sitting on a the deck of a rustic lodge, looking out at rolling hills and a serene lake. The lake offers an opportunity for a peaceful trip paddling in a canoe as well as getting a baited hook wet in attempt to bring in a fighting fish. There are trails nearby to enjoy or maybe sitting quietly on the deck and reading a good book is your preference. SPC men, and young men, are invited to gather together in the outdoors for meaningful fellowship and outdoor activities experiencing a sampling of God’s inspirational creations. Our destination will be Camp Akita, located in Logan, Ohio

(https://www.campakita.org/pages/about_us.aspx). The "Bill Kern Camping Experience" is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13.

To offset the labor intensity of camping outdoors, we have reserved rooms at a rustic on-campus lodge for our overnight stay. There will be no need to setup tents! Lodge accommodations include semi-private sleeping areas. Each sleeping area includes six rooms with four beds each, furnished lounge area, kitchenette and bathroom facilities.

Adjacent to the lodge is a dining hall. The dining hall offers a comfortable and relaxing setting. One of the most important features of the dining hall is the delicious family-style food, that is prepared by kitchen staff! Two meals will be served during our stay - Saturday evening dinner and Sunday morning breakfast. The cost per person for room and board will be $70.

Our departure will be on Saturday morning. Utilizing car pooling, we leave from SPC at approximately 9:30 AM. We will be stopping for lunch (eat a small breakfast) at the outstanding Old Canal Smokehouse, located in Chillicothe, Ohio. (https://www.oldcanalsmokehouse.com/) Our return on Sunday will follow an outdoor worship service around a campfire with Paul Sisk leading our time together.

So there can be a measurement for the degree of interest in participating, if you are just considering attending please click on the following link to register for yourself (and separately for each family member joining you). There will be no obligation if you register for yourself and/or on behalf of a son(s) or a grandson(s) and you decide not to participate. Payment for room and board will be in early April.

We look forward to having an enjoyable time together enjoying fellowship, adventure and spiritual growth!


2025-2026 PRESCHOOL registration has begun!